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Friday, January 27, 2006


Alderman Organizes Boycott of Brown Bag Lunch

East side Alderman Larry Palm is upset about a series of brown bag lunches planned by Alderwoman Brenda Konkel to discuss Madison's Inclusionary Zoning law. Palm sent an email to other alders earlier today asking them to boycott the lunch meetings. In the email, Palm explains his objections to Konkel's invitation:
Alderwoman Konkel has asked us to join her for a brown bag lunch to discuss Inclusionary Zoning. At first, I was concerned she would not publicly notice the meetings, but now I understand that she has arranged to do so. However, I still won't be attending, and I ask you to join me in boycotting the lunches. Let me explain.

I find the concept of a brown bag lunch offensive. Through this invitation, Alderwoman Konkel implies that my Spiderman lunchbox would not be acceptable. I refuse to leave Spidey at home and eat from a plain brown bag.

Please let Alderwoman Konkel know that you will not be attending these lunches. Instead, join me and my pal, Spidey, for an informal lunch with no discussion of the issues impacting our city. And don't forget your lunch box.
Alderman Zach Brandon has already agreed to join the boycott. He responded to Palm's email saying, "I will be there with my Beverly Hills 90210 lunchbox and matching thermos. I've worked hard to be just like Steve from 90210, and I've always had a crush on the actress that played Kelly. It will be great to dust off the old lunchbox and get to see my old pals from Beverly Hills again." Alderwoman Cindy Thomas plans to attend Palm's boycott lunch, as well, promising to not only use her Catwoman lunchbox but to wear the matching costume, too.

Alderman Paul Skidmore responded to Palm's invitation, saying that he has no lunchbox but will attend and bring his favorite flask. Skidmore apparently prefers a liquid lunch. Alderman Jed Sanborn is working on changing a previous engagement so he can show off his George W. Bush lunch pail.

Other City Council members have not yet responded to Palm's invitation, but he predicts "the brown bag boycott will be a success."

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