News and politics from Madison, Wisconsin... with a twist. Everything contained herein is intended as satire. Please do not take it too seriously. It's pure madness!
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The Transit and Parking Commission approved a plan to add parking and bike lanes to the Beltline Highway in 2006. Construction on the new lanes will begin in the spring, pending final approval from the City Council.
Alderwoman Robbie Webber is certain the proposal will pass through the Council without a hitch and is thrilled about the bike lanes. "After all these years of envying the drivers out there on the highway, I will finally be welcome on my bike." Webber isn't so thrilled about the parking but explains that it is just part of the bargain to get the desperately needed bike lanes.
Alderman Ken Golden is also pleased. Golden is "happy any time we can reach a good compromise." He also likes the idea of bike lanes on the Beltline and says the short term parking spaces will help the businesses located along the frontage road. Golden also hopes to eventually add park-and-ride lots at each on-ramp to encourage the use of public tranportation. He explains, "Commuters from the outlying areas could drive to the Beltline without ever really entering the city. They park their cars there and either hop on their bikes or on a bus to get downtown."
Some commuters are worried about traffic, especially during construction, but others share Webber's excitement about finally getting to ride a bike on the most direct route across town. Bicycle advocate and sprawl reduction proponent, Mike Barrett, says that he is happy the bike lanes and parking will eliminate one full lane of traffic. "It will be harder for people to get on and off the Beltline too, as they have to dodge us bikies. TAKE THAT Sprawlsville!"
According to members of the West Beltline Business Association, this plan has been in the works for years. They are hopeful that the Beltline parking and bicycle access to their busineses will increase profits. The group issued a press release today simply stating, "TAKE THAT Downtown!" referring to hard feelings over downtown getting much more attention and money than the rest of Madison over the last several years.