Pure Madnesson

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Sunday, January 08, 2006


Chamber Leader Urges Members to Forgo Sick Leave

In an unprecedented move today, Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce president, Jennifer Alexander, announced that she will no longer take advantage of the sick leave benefits offered to her by the Chamber. She is urging others to do the same.

Alexander explains that she is doing this in response to a proposal by Alderman Austin King to provide paid sick leave for all employees in the City of Madison. "Alder King has proposed a solution where there is no problem," said Alexander. "I've set out to prove that this proposal isn't necessary by organizing a sick leave boycott."

A memo to all Chamber of Commerce members explains:
The Chamber wants to try a new approach to combatting legislation we don't like. Old fashioned lobbying of elected officials by paid hacks just isn't cutting it anymore, so we are moving to a grassroots model. To make this effort successful, we will need your help.

Earlier today, the Chamber's president stood on the steps of the City County Building with a megaphone in hand and announced that she is giving up her sick leave benefits. We ask that you join her in this groundbreaking boycott of paid sick leave. Only with your help can we show Madison's Common Council that paid sick leave just isn't necessary.

This is just the first in a series of planned boycotts, rallies, and sit-ins. Please consider joining the boycott, and watch for more details about our upcoming "Hell No! We won't stay home!" sick-in at the Mayor's office planned for next week.
Jim Pugh of Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce is intrigued by Alexander's boycott. He claims that on a statewide level, WMC has very effectively used paid lobbyists and applied pressure through campaign contributions to pass desirable legislation. "But Madison is different," he says, "So I commend Alexander's outside-the-big-box thinking on this. Her boycott might just be what it takes to prove to Madison's Mayor and City Council that workers just don't need paid sick leave."

Alder Austin King was shocked when he arrived at City Hall for a committee meeting to see a "somewhat frazzled looking" Alexander shouting into her megaphone. "It was almost surreal," he explains. "I looked up to see if the sky was falling!" King claims that the boycott is just silly and points out that Alexander "doesn't have what it takes to be a REAL hippie."

Alexander predicts that many of the "Hippie turned Yuppie" members of the Chamber will be excited to get back to their grassroots while still protecting their financial interests. Asked how far the Chamber is willing to take the fight, Alexander responded, "We're starting with a boycott and have already planned a sick-in at Mayor Cieslewicz's office. We're willing to get arrested if necessary, and we'll use the money we save on lobbyists to hire the best lawyers to defend us."

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