Pure Madnesson

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Monday, January 23, 2006


Dudgeon School to be Sold to Highest Bidder

The city of Madison announced today that it will sell the Dudgeon School building in an auction on EBay. Last year, Wingra School, currently located on the site, offered to purchase the school for $1. The building is badly in need of repair.

The city offered to sell the building to Wingra for $750,000, but Wingra decided to negotiate on an alternate location. That left the city not knowing what to do, but Alderman Zach Brandon had an idea, "We should get as much money as possible for the site. It's high time we catch up technologically and use the tools EBay gives us to help do that. I'm excited about the prospect of an online auction for the property."

But neighbors of the school express some reservations. According to Alderman Ken Golden, who represents the Monroe-Dudgeon area, "There are a lot of older folks in this area who want to preserve the Dudgeon building. If it's sold on EBay, we lose control of what happens on the site." While Golden currently objects to the auction plan, he says that he would be amenable to the idea if inclusion of a grocery store on the site is a requirement for any buyer.

There is no word as to possible bidders on the site. Jennifer Alexander of the Greater Madison Chamber ofCommerce states that the site was considered for The Business Community, but concerns about ability to annex the land away from Madison and the small size of the site will prevent the group from bidding.

Some alders fear there will be no bidders for the property. Alderwoman Judy Olson believes, "It's unlikely to sell this way, but I guess I'm ok with giving it a chance. I don't want to be the old fuddy-duddy who gets in the way of advancing us into the modern technology era."

Brandon is confident the plan will work. According to Brandon, "The beauty of the plan is that it doesn't cost taxpayers a dime to administer. EBay does all of the work for us, and the whole city benefits." He would like to sell all of the city's currently unused property on EBay, calling it "just good business."

Rumor has it there is at least on interested bidder, though only his EBay username is available. The unnamed bidder goes by "Twall", and he hopes to build a strip mall on the site.

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