Pure Madnesson

News and politics from Madison, Wisconsin... with a twist. Everything contained herein is intended as satire. Please do not take it too seriously. It's pure madness! . Email Pure Madnesson at puremadnesson@yahoo.com.


January 2006   February 2006   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006   January 2007  

Thursday, January 19, 2006


For your Information

As the writer of this blog, I want to remind readers that everything contained herein is fictional. It is intended purely as satire of the issues, news, and events of Madison and those who are publicly involved with those issues, news or events. Nothing on this blog is intended to be taken seriously, as it is, quite frankly, pure madness.

I realized today that I have no contact information on the blog. If you would like to contact me about something contained here, please email me at puremadnesson@yahoo.com.

Please remember that it's not my intention to be taken seriously or to offend anyone.

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