News and politics from Madison, Wisconsin... with a twist. Everything contained herein is intended as satire. Please do not take it too seriously. It's pure madness!
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On her show today, conservative talk show host Vicki McKenna professed her love for progressive Madison Alderman Austin King. News of their secret romance broke after the two were spotted smooching at Wiggies tavern earlier this week. McKenna says that she and King have been dating since July when he came on her show to talk about Madison's smoking ban. The couple has frequented taverns on Madison's far north and east sides, assuming they did not have to worry about being seen since the smoking ban has left these bars nearly empty since July.
According to McKenna, it was love at first sight for her. "When Austin was campaigning for City Council, someone gave me one of his flyers and I was like WOW! His hair was long back then, and I've had a thing for guys with long hair ever since my days as a Bon Jovi groupie in the 80s," she explains. McKenna claims she has been "crushing on Austin" since the first time she saw his picture. Though King has enjoyed "the grown-up look" of shorter hair during the last year, he has agreed to grow it long again for McKenna.
For many months, King refused to go on McKenna's show. He wouldn't discuss topics such as minimum wage or the city budget with a Republican, but McKenna was relentless. King finally caved when he found McKenna and himself on the same side of the debate regarding a smoking ban exemption for cigar bars. "Vicki's voice had always grated on my nerves. I always thought she'd sound more appropriate answering a 900 number than talking politics," says King, "When I finally met her in person, I wanted her answering my own private 900 number."
The seemingly unlikely pair have little in common politically, but they claim that doesn't get in the way of romance. "Opposites attract," they say in unison. They do have something in common, though. A friend who knows both McKenna and King quite well claims, "It's hard to say which one of them has the biggest ego. I would think that would cause problems in a relationship, but I suppose they see themselves in each other in that regard."
The couple plans to marry this spring and start a family shortly thereafter, but they won't be moving in together before then. "I believe in good old-fashioned family values," says McKenna. "Austin is willing to wait." Asked how they will raise their children, King explains, "We will expose them to both sides of the political spectrum and let them choose when they are old enough to do so."