Pure Madnesson

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Monday, February 27, 2006


City Surveys Residents on Pizza Choice

Earlier this week, the City of Madison added a survey to its website asking residents to share their preferences for pizza toppings. Touting the success of recent online surveys done by the Economic Development Commission regarding paid sick leave and a similar survey on traffic done by the Madison Police Department, mayoral spokesman George Twigg explains, "We need to know more about what is important to Madison residents. Knowing what our citizens put on their pizzas will give us critical insight to help us run the city more effectively."

The survey is available through a link on the City of Madison website. Those completing the survey will answer a whole series of questions about their preferences for type of crust, amount of sauceand cheese, and topping combinations. Twigg says that the city is not yet sure what will be done with the information, but he is certain it will be useful in future decision making.

Asked what survey might come next, Twigg answers, "We have not decided that yet. Someone has suggested that we need to get our finger on the pulse of automobile color selection, but currently we're just taking it one survey at a time. The mayor is just proud that the Madison is using technology to connect residents to city government."

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