Pure Madnesson

News and politics from Madison, Wisconsin... with a twist. Everything contained herein is intended as satire. Please do not take it too seriously. It's pure madness! . Email Pure Madnesson at puremadnesson@yahoo.com.


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Saturday, February 18, 2006


Email and Phone Lines Crash

If you tried to reach any of Madison's city offices by email or phone on Friday afternoon, chances are you didn't get through. Shortly before noon on Friday, the city's entire phone system went down, followed by the crash of the city's email system less than half an hour later.

Information Technology Director Richard Grasmick says the systems shut down after the streets department was flooded with calls and emails from angry residents all complaining that their street was plowed last. Grasmick explains that the city has never received such a high volume of calls and emails all at one time.

The streets department issued the following statement:
Late Friday morning, the department began receiving numerous phone calls and email from angry residents. Each claimed his or her street was the very last to be plowed after Thursday's snowstorm. The city ensures that main arteries are plowed first and then begins plowing residential streets.

Because of the numerous complaints received on Friday, the city's entire phone and email systems crashed. We ask that residents use the new on-line reporting system to file complaints about plowing.

Frankly, we are unsure which street was actually plowed last on Friday. Our engineers will begin a study immediately to find out what street gets plowed last in the city. We hope to cure the problem quickly and assure residents that the mystery of whose street is the last to be plowed will be solved in the very near future.
Madison's alderpeople also received calls from angry residents. According to east side Alderman Larry Palm, "This is something I heard a lot about when I was campaigning last spring. I assure residents of my district that I will try to find out which street actually got plowed last. That's the one campaign promise I intend to keep." West side Alderman Jed Sanborn also received many angry phone calls. Sanborn says the city needs to focus more on providing basic services. He states that a plowing study is not necessary, saying, "I know that MY street is the last one in the city to get plowed." Alderwoman Lauren Cnare received calls, as well, and plans to send out an email poll to her constituents asking them to vote on which street was actually plowed last.

Madison's information technology department and the phone company worked all afternoon to try to fix the email and phone systems. Work will continue through the weekend to get the systems working properly prior to the start of business on Monday. Residents are being asked to use the city's on-line form to report problems or concerns. All submissions will be forwarded to the appropriate department, and complaintants may expect a response within 90 days.

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