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Saturday, February 04, 2006


Local Columnist to Leave State Journal

Local columnist Melanie Conklin announced today that she will be leaving the Wisconsin State Journal to take a job writing for the National Enquirer. Conklin began writing her column for the State Journal in January 2005, after leaving her job as communications director for Mayor Dave Cieslewicz. Previously, Conklin had written for The Isthmus and cited a desire to return to journalism as a catalyst for her move to the State Journal.

Whether Conklin actually returned to journalism has been questioned, as her column in the Wisconsin State Journal more closely resembles a hotbed of gossip than serious journalism. Madison Alderwoman Brenda Konkel points out, "Melanie has a knack for writing about people at their worst. Sometimes I just want to tell her to lick my hairy armpit."

Conklin insists her column about the people and events of Madison reflects her serious commitment to journalism, though she admits that writing about Madison's elite is not exactly what she envisioned when she began the job. "I write about what happens in Madison, and that definitely is what journalism is all about. I expected to write a more serious column, but what Sue Bauman wears to the Frostiball is far more interesting," explains Conklin.

Asked why she is leaving the State Journal, Conklin says that she has always wanted to write for a newspaper with nationwide distribution. She entertained offers from USA Today and Star Magazine, as well, but both "lack the credibility of the National Enquirer." Ever since childhood, Conklin has read the Enquirer while waiting in line at the grocery store. As an adult, she has emulated the writing style of the Enquirer's columnists in hopes of someday writing for the publication.

Wisconsin State Journal publisher Jim Hopson says that Conklin will be missed at his newspaper. He is skeptical that the paper will be able to find another reporter with the "same knack for making news out of nothing." Apparently, the National Enquirer saw and liked that knack in Conklin.

According to Conklin, writing for the National Enquirer is "a dream come true," and writing about Madison's unique cast of characters has prepared her well for the new challenge. "I just can't wait to write my first two-headed baby story, and I'm already on the hunt for Elvis sightings." Reflecting on her short-lived career at the Wisconsin State Journal, Conklin says her only regret is "never having written that story about Paul Soglin's third nipple."

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