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Sunday, February 05, 2006


Madison Alderpeople Nominate City Songs

Last month, Mayor Cieslewicz appointed a committee to select Madison's official city song. The committee has asked the mayor and each of Madison's alderpeople to nominate a song for consideration along with a brief explanation. Who nominated what and why?

Jed Sanborn: Yellow Submarine by the Beatles
Why? "In Madison, we all live in a yellow submarine, and we're sinking fast."

Brenda Konkel: This Side of Town by Widespread Panic
Why? "Well, I named my blog after it. And wherever you go in Madison, it describes where you are at. Of course, I'm partial to my side of town."

Lauren Cnare: I Will Follow by U2
Why? "Being a follower isn't all bad, is it?"

Mike Verveer: Downtown by Petula Clark
Why? "The title says it all."

Robbie Webber: Bicycle Race by Queen
Why? "Bicycle... Bicycle... Bicycle... I want to ride my bicycle... bicycle... bicycle..."

Judy Olson: Captain Jack by Billy Joel
Why? "If you've ever lived around Willy Street, you understand."

Zach Brandon: Add It Up by the Violent Femmes
Why? "Because our taxes just keep adding up."

Austin King: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Why? "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? The lyrics just speak for themselves. Well, at least the first verse anyway."

Paul Skidmore: 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
Why? "Madison's bars."

Ken Golden: Corner Grocery Store by Raffi
Why? "I know it's a children's song, but I like it anyway."

Tim Gruber: This Town by the Go-Gos
Why? "As the song says, life's a kick in this town."

Brian Benford: What a Long Strange Trip it's Been by The Grateful Dead
Why? "I'm just along for trip and honored to be part of the journey."

Isadore Knox: none
Why? "I will have to abstain from submitting a song."

Tim Bruer: Bad, Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce
Why? "Well, I kind of like to think of myself like Leroy Brown, baddest man in the whole damned town. I would change 'south side of Chicago' to 'south side of Madison' though."

Larry Palm: Rubber Ducky from Sesame Street
Why? "I've just always loved that song."

Judy Compton: Land of Confusion by Genesis
Why? "I'm confused."

Santiago Rosas: Fight for your Right to Party by the Beastie Boys
Why? "The city is governing people's rights, like with the smoking ban. It's time to fight for your rights."

Paul Van Rooy: Flip Flop Rock by Outkast
Why? "Flip... Flop... Flip... Flop... I know the song's lyrics aren't really appropriate, but for some reason the flip-flop thing just works for me. I will probably change my mind later anyway."

Noel Radomski: Wanna be Startin' Somethin' by Michael Jackson
Why? "Because I'm stuck in the middle... yeah... yeah..."

Cindy Thomas: Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
Why? "It's just how I like to think of myself."

Mayor Dave Cieslewicz: It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood from Mister Rogers
Why? "Think trolleys. And won't you be my neighbor?"

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