Pure Madnesson

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Sunday, February 12, 2006


Mayor Shoots Hunting Partner

Mayor Dave Cieslewicz accidentally shot a friend while on a weekend hunting trip up north on Sunday. The two were hunting crow in northern Wisconsin when the accident occurred.

Little information about the incident is available at this time. The mayor's office has issued the following brief statement:
Needless to say, Mayor Cieslewicz is upset about the incident that occurred this weekend. The mayor had a crow in his sight but lost control of his gun while pulling the trigger. The name of his hunting companion is not being released, but he is in stable condition at a local hospital.
Mayor Cieslewicz is an avid hunter, and grows a beard every year for deer hunting season. Those close to the mayor claim that Cieslewicz's gun slipped because he was very cold and was struck with a sudden chill. A friend of the mayor says the mayor is "simply sick about not having grown a beard again for this trip," as the extra warmth may have prevented the accident.

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