Pure Madnesson

News and politics from Madison, Wisconsin... with a twist. Everything contained herein is intended as satire. Please do not take it too seriously. It's pure madness! . Email Pure Madnesson at puremadnesson@yahoo.com.


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Friday, February 17, 2006


Out of Control Birthday Bash Nets Over $15000 in Fines

Shortly after 11:00 on Friday night, police responded to a home in the Monroe Street neighborhood after receiving numerous reports of a party causing excessive noise. Officers rang the bell, but the party hosts refused to open the door. Police then surrounded the house and waited for party-goers to exit.

Upon learning the home belonged to Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, officers attempted to make contact by phone. Officer Scott Favour said that a call to the home was answered by mayoral aide Enis Ragland with, "Dude! Can't hear you over the music! Go away Filthy McNasty!" Additional calls to the home went unanswered.

After about 15 minutes, people started exiting the home. Three were cited for driving while intoxicated upon getting in their cars to leave. Police officers stopped individuals leaving the party for questioning and found that the party was a birthday celebration for the mayor. Witnesses claim that the mayor's wife, Dianne Cieslewicz, sold cups for $5, and 25 empty half barrels of beer were found in the basement. According to the police report, more than 250 individuals participated in the celebration.

Dave and Dianne Cieslewicz were cited by the Madison Police Department for 250 counts of selling alcohol without a license with a penalty of over $15000 in fines. Ten guests were also cited for disorderly conduct. The mayor could not be reached for comment, as he was passed out on the bathroom floor.

Madison's bar czar, Joel Plant, did not attend the party. According to Plant, "I warned the mayor of the potential consequences of overconsumption. I guess he didn't heed my warning, but I think he'll be regretting it in the morning."

City alderman Paul Skidmore claims that his keg registration proposal could have "prevented such an abomination." Skidmore is certain that the mayor and his wife would not have purchased 25 kegs of beer if they had to register their name and address to do so. As a result of this party, Skidmore plans to reintroduce the failed keg registration ordinance at the next Common Council meeting.

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