Pure Madnesson

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Saturday, February 25, 2006


State Journal Writer Implicated in King Street Fight

A Wisconsin State Journal writer has been charged with two counts of substantial battery stemming from a bar time fight earlier this month. Susan Lampert Smith allegedly attacked two bar patrons in a drunken rage after a wild night of partying at the Club Majestic. Lampert Smith had been at the club to attend a new age music show. These shows have been controversial, as poorer residents downtown complain of the violence and disturbances that tend to occur when the crowd of nearly all white wealthy condo dwellers pours into the street at bar time.

The police do not have much information about what occurred that night because witnesses have been hesitant to speak out against one of their own. According to the Madison Police Chief Noble Wray, "The crowds that these new age shows attract are dangerous. There's something about this music that seems to bring crazy rich white folks. It's not a racial issue, though, as it's only the crazy rich ones who listen to this new age music that seem to be the problem." One witness, who prefers to remain anonymous because he fears retaliation, describes Lampert Smith as "this totally out of control white woman all drunk and crazy from listening to the new age music." He claims that Lampert Smith left the Majestic, went to her "pimped out Cadillac" for a moment, and returned wielding a metal pipe of some sort.

It is unclear what started the fight, though police are investigating reports that it may be gang related. Both victims are members of the downtown caucasian gang that goes simply by CNI. Though Lampert Smith has no known affilliation with CNI's primary rival, DMI, she is a member of the WSJ street gang that is known to have close ties to DMI.

Police are also trying to locate Fred Mohs and Ledell Zellers, both leaders of the CNI gang, for questioning. Neither is considered a suspect, though video surveillance outside Club Majestic leads police to believe the pair may have been involved in the fight. Police warn that the two may be dangerous, so members of the public are urged to avoid personal contact with these individuals.

The community around King Street is outraged by the incidents. Residents of downtown homeless shelters are concerned for their safety. Families staying at the Salvation Army's homeless shelter are arranging a meeting to discuss the problems. According to one of the group's organizers, "We are concerned about alcohol use and violence in our neighborhood. The Majestic has chosen to have these new age shows that cater to a violent crowd. It's not about race or income or creed; it's about the violent individuals within one group. A few bad apples are spoiling it for everyone. If the music is the problem, though, we will have to change it."

Club Majestic has already increased security and has banned over 100 patrons, primarily nearby condo dwellers, for inappropriate behavior during the new age shows. Majestic owner Nick Schiavo claims that he cannot control what happens on the street. "We have metal detectors and security in place in the club, and we don't have problems inside. Mohs and Zellers had already been banned due to their known CNI gang affilliation, and now I hear they may be involved in this incident. I can't keep them from coming up the street."

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